Gardener's pharmacy - choice
Gardener pharmacy
Green vitriol (FeSO4 x 7H2O) Ferrous sulfate
Green vitriol FeSO4 x 7H2O (Ferrous sulfate). Almost 200 years ago, it was proved that plants need iron salts for normal growth and fruiting (moreover, the warmer the climatic zone, the higher the need for iron in plants). Lack of iron manifests its..
Grom - 2 (for exterminating soil flies and ants)
"Grom-2". Microgranules of the drug are used to combat: * with SOIL FLIES on potted flower plants and seedlings of flower crops. * with GARDEN ANTS in beds, under trees and shrubs, in greenhouses, near buildings. To combat garden ants..
Growth activator
Growth activator. 2.0 g = 10 L. Purpose: the activator stimulates rooting, accelerates the survival of transplanted plants, increases plant resistance to adverse environmental factors, accelerates plant maturation and increases productivity. Appli..
Hand pump-sprayer
Hand pump for spraying plants (bottles from 0.5 to 2.5 L). ..
Herbicide "Roundup Ultra"
Herbicide "Roundup Ultra". Roundup Ultra continuous action herbicide for controlling sow thistle and other long-lived weeds, in rows of fruit and berry orchards, for cleaning roads in non-agricultural areas. Does not contain glyphosate. ..
"HOM" is a product for protection against plant diseases: late blight, macrosporiosis, brown spot. Preparative form: WETABLE PROCHOK, SP. Active ingredient/(concentration): COPPER CHLOROXIDE/(861 g/kg). Chemical class: copper-containing ..
Humat +7 (+Jood)
Humate +7 trace elements + iodine (water-soluble powder). Fertilizer based on humic acids for pre-sowing treatment and plant nutrition (80% humic acid salts). * Increases germination and vigor of seed germination. * Improves structure and increa..
Humus fertilizer "Black JAK"
Humus fertilizer "BlackJAK" (100 ml). Used in organic farming. Concentrated suspension of organic fertilizers, consisting of humic, fulvic and fulminic acids, designed to fertilize plants through the roots and leaves of plants in order to..
Hydrogel "Water Energy"
Hydrogel "Energy of Water" is a product based on a superabsorbent polymer that is able to accumulate and retain water and nutrients necessary for plants. The hydrogel supplies water and nutrients to the plants when the soil dries out and p..
"Imidasect" is an insecticidal agent for getting rid of cockroaches in the form of poisoned bait (in a special gel form). Active active ingredient: imidacloprid, which causes a disturbance in the transmission of nerve impulses, harmfu..
"Imidasect" is an insecticidal agent for getting rid of cockroaches in the form of poisoned bait (special gel form). Active active ingredient: imidacloprid, which causes a disturbance in the transmission of nerve impulses, harmful to ..
Infinito" fungicide
Fungicide "Infinito". "Infinito" - an innovative drug for the protection of vegetable crops from diseases. Usage: dissolve 12-15 ml of suspension in 10 litres of water (this volume of solution is intended for approximately ..
Insecticidal Ant Control Powder
Insecticidal Ant Control Powder This drug can be used both with ordinary dusting and watering. Consumption of the preparation for conventional dusting: 1.0-2.5 g / m2 (approximately one teaspoon). Consumption of the preparation for watering the so..
Insecticidal Ant Control Powder
 Insecticidal Ant Control Powder This drug can be used both with ordinary dusting and watering. Consumption of the preparation for conventional dusting: 1.0-2.5 g / m2 (approximately one teaspoon). Consumption of the preparation for watering ..
Insecticide tablet to kill household insects "FAS"
Professional insecticide tablet to kill cockroaches "FAS". Insecticide tablet anti bedbugs ''FAS'' and other household insects (ants, mosquito larva, fleas...) "FAS" tablett (olmes kasu..
Iskra" tablett (1t/10 L)
"ISKRA" (insektitsiidne tablett, 10 g). Toimeained: tsüpermetriin + permetriin, (21 g/kg + 9 g/kg). Vahend põllumajanduskultuuride kaitsmiseks kahjurputukate vastu. ANDMED PREPARAADI KOHTA. ISKRA on parandatud valemiga, mid..
Karate Zeon - insecticide for garden
Insecticide for garden "Karate Zeon". "Karate Zeon" is a contact insecticide for the destruction of garden and field insect pests, designed to protect grain, industrial, vegetable, fruit and other crops from a complex of leaf-eat..
KELPAK (biostimulant for all plant species based on organic extract)
KELPAK 24201 is a natural biostimulant for all types of plants based on organic seaweed extract Ecklonia maxima. Suitable for organic farming. Certified product: ECOCERT SAF-32600. Composition: Auxins - 11.0 mg/l. Cytokinins - 0.03 mg/l. Total nit..
"KLESCHEVIT" (for the destruction of ticks: Fitoverm, EC (2 g/l aversectin C)). Biological insectoacaricide of contact-intestinal action, which is capable of exterminating ticks on various crops: flowers, fruits, berries, vegetables. It i..
Kornevin SP" root formation stimulator
ROOT FORMATION STIMULATOR "Kornevin" (SP - wettable powder). "Kornevin" improves the rooting of cuttings and seedlings of fruit, berry (currant, gooseberry, etc.), citrus, coniferous and flower-ornamental crops, grapes, seedlings..
"Kristalon" - kloorivaba NPK väetis. Veeslahustuvate taimetoiteelementidega täisväetis Kristalon on sobiv kastmisväetis köögiviljade, marja- ning lillekultuuridele nii muld- kui turbakrundil, mille pH on neutr..
Labels for plants T-shaped (10 pc.)
T-shaped labels for garden plants (10 pieces). ..
Prof Pack
Lacy phacelia "Stala" (100 g)
Bee food "Stala" - Phacelia tanacetifolia. 100.0 g = 50-80 m2. Valuable annual melliferous, fodder, green manure and ornamental plant.  Forms a branched stem 30-70 cm high, covered with hairs. The leaves are alternate, sometimes wit..
Prof Pack
Lacy phacelia (Duo mix)
Lacy phacelia (duo mix): "Stala"(90%) + "Angelia"(10%) - Phacelia tanacetifolia. Valuable annual melliferous, fodder, green manure and ornamental plant. Forms a branched stem 30-70 cm high, covered with hairs. The leaves ar..
Larvicidal blocks "Inzecto larvicide chips G"
Larvicidal blocks in the form of square tablets for the destruction of mosquito adults and larvae of other insect pests in technical reservoirs (for professional and amateur use). An insecticide based on pyriproxyfen and geraniol with a long-term ef..
Showing 101 to 125 of 268 (11 Pages)